AWP Construction

Page last updated Wednesday, 20 Apr 2022 @ 9:40pm – new pitches map uploaded

The Good News!  Construction of our new Full-Size All-Weather Pitch, and six-lane running track, has begun in Porterstown Park with completion expected in Quarter 1 of 2023.

The Bad News!  During construction we will lose a number of our pitches.  With careful management and planning we will avoid major disruption to fixtures, but this may, occasionally, necessitate relocating some  fixtures to other locations. Click here to view the latest Porterstown Park Pitches Map.

The Worst News! To accommodate construction work, we are losing a significant amount of our parking spaces and this will bring SEVERE PRESSURE ON MATCHDAY PARKING.  To reduce the impact of this loss of parking facilities we have drawn up this set of matchday parking guidelines.

Parking Update: We are very grateful to Luttrellstown Community Centre for agreeing to provide us with additional parking spaces for weekend match days.  Click here for directions to LCC.

Team Training: Teams that have been allocated specific training time and space in Porterstown can only train in their allocated space as per the training grid map.