Chairman’s Update on CoronaVirus
I realise that the past couple of months have been very difficult for everyone, but especially those who have lost loved ones. Our prayers are with all the affected families. We also know that many have had their livelihoods turned upside down, and we hope things will improve for them soon. We continue to be all affected by the Government measures to help save lives, to slow the spread of the virus and eventually eliminate it. It was against this background that our football activities were suspended. In order that the efforts of our members achieve their goal, we must continue to support the Government by following their guidance on staying at home, and observing as appropriate social distancing, cough etiquette, hand hygiene, etc. As I said in my previous statement, we are all in this together.
As the prevalence of the virus now lessens, we are becoming more hopeful that we can get our players back playing again soon. However, we must only resume when it is absolutely safe to do so, and this can only be done when the medical experts advise it is appropriate. The Government published its roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions and reopen Ireland’s economy and society on 1st May. Football’s governing body, the Football Association of Ireland, is keen like the rest of us that we restart our football soon, but before we can do so, we have to be sure it is safe to do so. Therefore, the FAI has sought clarification on the roadmap from the relevant Government agencies, Sport Ireland and HSE, on what they consider safe as regards timing. We are awaiting that clarification. We greatly appreciate your patience, and we will advise our members as soon as we have further news.
Please note the following in the meantime. (1) Our club has decided that we will not hold our June Mini World Cup this year for a number of reasons, principal of which is concern for the safety of our children given the huge numbers that inevitably participate. (2) We await guidance from FAI re our FAI Summer Camp in July which will be guided by the outcome of deliberations with Sport Ireland & HSE. Thank you for all your support