Below are CCFC’s policies on Garda Vetting and Safeguarding for relevant personnel in the club. For further details on Safeguarding and Child Welfare, please see FAI documents at this link to the FAI website


Please Note:- It is the individual person’s own responsibility to ensure he/she is compliant with Garda Vetting and Safeguarding regulations at all times.

Garda Vetting

  1. That all members who are staff/volunteers/committee members/designated team managers & coaches have valid, in date Garda Vetting Clearance (GVC)
  2. Where such members do not have a valid, in date GVC, they advise the Football Committee. (See club website for Football Committee members)
  3. Where such members do not have a valid, in date GVC, they must commence the process within 2 weeks of notification/being made aware.
  4. Where such members do not commence the process within the 2 weeks, their membership status (that requires an in date, valid GVC)  is suspended until an application is submitted.
  5. Where such members do not commence the process within 4 weeks, their membership status (that requires an in date, valid GVC) is removed.


  1. That all members who are staff/volunteers/committee members/designated team managers & coaches have completed the FAI Safeguarding 1 (SG1) workshop as appropriate.
  2. Where such members do not have a valid SG1 certificate as appropriate, they commit to completing the FAI SG1 workshop within the next 3 available workshops as posted on FAI website courses schedule.
  3. Where such members do not complete the FAI SG1 workshop as appropriate within the above timeframe, they must commit to attending the next available FAI SG1 workshop.
  4. Where such members do not attend the course in 3 immediately above as appropriate, their membership status is suspended until they complete FAI SG1 workshop.

Effective Date for above policy is 4 weeks prior to resumption of Football Season 2024/2025.